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Basics of STDR

General Introduction

STDR is a simple two dimensional robot simulator. It is very useful in cases where there is no need for computationally costly 3-D simulation of robots. It is computationally light and serves the purpose good. Hence it is very useful for learning based robotics or for multi robot simulation.


  1. For ROS Kinetic, stdr can be installed using apt-get.
  2. For ROS Melodic, it is advisible to install stdr from source.

Architecture Overview

(Reference: ROS Wiki)

Basic Usage

  • The stdr_launchers package contains launch files basic usage. However, custom launch files can be created to serve personal purposes easily. Some of the launch files are
    1. server_no_map.launch launches the stdr server without any map, robot or the gui.
    2. server_with_map_and_gui.launch launches the serve with preloaded map and gui.
    3. server_with_map_and_gui_plus_robot.launch launches the stdr_server, with preloaded map and robot along with the gui
  • You can also launch Rviz with a preset config file using rviz.launch file in the stdr_launchers package.

Robot Namespaces

  1. The topics corresponding to each robot have a unique namespace attached to it. For example the first robot launched has a namespace /robot0. Published topics pertaining to that robot are published as /robot0/topic_name.
  2. Note that whenever a new robot is spawned the robot number is incremented by 1. This happens even though you delete a robot.
  3. such namespacing avoids conflicts of topic names when doing multi robot simulation.


  1. For more information refer the stdr_simulator page in ROS Wiki.
  2. The github repository for stdr_simulator.